The View from Here

View from here

The view from the back porch here is surprisingly spectacular. Driving down the road and turning into the drive way gives to hint of the vista that awaits from various spots around or little piece of land. So far the best one I have found is the view from the back porch. October mornings bring spectacular sunrises. I don't know if it is the changing weather that gives the rainbow colored hues to the sky or if it is simply that I am up and in the kitchen to see then. This sunrise fills me with hope and makes my mind wonder to the possibilities of the day, week and season ahead.

view of farm sunrise

The same view is also amazing when it's foggy. I'm not sure what it is about the rusty fences, overgrown brown grass, and the silos. But this scene gives me a deep sense of peace.

It's not just the sunrises that are stunning. This sunset on a snowy day is most likely not the best sunset picture you have ever seen. 

It's odd. I knew moving out here would give me the opportunity to see the sunset and sunrise more often, and more clearly, but it's so completely different than living in town. If you are outside or near a window at sunrise or sunset, it is impossible to miss the beauty. I vowed to myself shortly after our move, that I would never stop appreciating and noticing the beautiful sunrise and sunset. It is like a free gift from God twice a day.
